zf2timo dev notes

Some developer on the web

My First Post with hugo

Hello, world! This blog is based on hugo now. Actually, I just wanted to take a look at hugo and play around with it. But everything is so well documented and worked so well that I immediately replaced my old generator for static pages. Maybe there will be a bit more activity here. Now that it’s so easy to publish a new post.

Delete Old Git Branches

When working with git you should have to use branches. But over the time, there will be a lot of branches that aren’t needed anymore. To get rid of this waste, I created a script to delete them: #!/usr/bin/env bash BRANCHES="$(git branch --merged | grep -v "\*" | grep -v "master" | grep -v "develop")" if [ -z $BRANCHES ]; then echo "No branch can deleted safely" exit 1; fi echo "The following branches will be deleted:" echo $BRANCHES echo "Are you sure?

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